Downtown Framingham Outdoor ‘Trade Show’ this Saturday Sept. 7

There will be local food and entertainment from noon to 4 pm.

Sharon Machlis Gartenberg


September 4, 2024

I don’t usually post about downtown events since I don’t have the bandwidth to cover the entire city, but this one looks like it might have widespread interest: Downtown Framingham Inc. is hosting what it calls its first ever “Business Trade Show” with local vendors and entertainment. It takes place this Saturday, September 7 from noon to 4 pm at 2 Park St, Union Avenue, and Concord Street.

“This is an opportunity for you to walk downtown, meet your business community / neighbors and enjoy all Framingham has to offer,” according to the event announcement. “Visitors will be able to enjoy some local food, watch live performances of Capoeira, Jiu-Jitsu, and music as well as engage with other attractions.”

There is no admission charge.

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