Portions of Pinefield Area to be Sprayed for Mosquitos Aug. 14

Areas include Clara and Swanson Roads
Government & Politics

Sharon Machlis


August 13, 2024

From the City of Framingham:

East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project To Spray in Framingham

FRAMINGHAM - The East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project is planning to use a truck mounted aerosol sprayer to control mosquito populations in the City of Framingham.

Spray areas are determined by trap data, disease data, and historical data. Spraying is not conducted by request.

On Wednesday, August 14, 2024, spraying is scheduled for areas of Framingham that are located in the vicinity of Savoy Road, Clara Road, Swanson Road, Riverpath Drive, Maymont Drive, Karal Drive, Norman Drive, Brookfield Terrace, Meadow Lane, Indian Head Road, Prospect Street, Beacon Street, Cherry Road, Summer Street, and Randy Road.

Other roads not listed but are in this vicinity may also be sprayed.

Spraying will be done between sunset and 11:30 p.m.

The mosquito control product being used is Zenivex E4 (EPA Reg No. 2724.807), and it’s being applied at 1 oz per acre. Zenivex E4 is a non-ester pyrethroid and is classified by the EPA as a reduced risk pesticide. Mosquito control applications of Zenivex E4 do not pose a significant risk to people or their pets due to the low toxicity and the small amount used to control mosquitoes.

As with any pesticide, people should minimize their exposure. If residents see a spray truck approaching, they are advised to go indoors for a few minutes while the spray dissipates. Residents are also advised to close windows. Beekeepers do not need to take any special precautions since spraying begins after sunset. Zenivex E4 biodegrades rapidly and doesn’t build up in the environment.

If residents have any questions related to mosquitoes or mosquito control, contact the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project at 781-899-5730

The East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project was established in 1945 as a Trust Agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The Project provides mosquito control services to 26 participating communities located west and northwest of Boston.

The governing body of the Project is the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Commission which is comprised of one representative from each municipal government. The Commission selects five of its members to serve on an Executive Committee, which meets on a regular basis.

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