Saxonville Intersection Project Expected in FY26, Mayor Tells Council

City Councilor Christine Long told Mayor Sisitsky there’s been a lot of neighborhood concern that the project will keep getting delayed.

Sharon Machlis Gartenberg


April 6, 2024

The Saxonville intersection reconstruction originally scheduled for 2022 and then briefly on a first draft of the FY 2025 capital budget is now expected to be on the budget for 2026, Mayor Sisitsky told the City Council this week in response to a question from District 1 City Councilor Christine Long.

“I’ve gotten a lot of phone calls, mail, email about Saxonville reconstruction, if it’s possibility to reinclude that on the capital budget?” Councilor Long asked.

Mayor Sisitsky responded that pre-project water and sewer work has been funded for next year and “we fully expect to put it on the capital budget for fiscal 26.” The reason for the delay is to get that work done first, he said.

“Thank you,” Councilor Long responded. “That was a concern that it’s just going to continue to be delayed even after the water sewer was done.”

“Thank you that question, it’s an important one,” added District 2 Councilor Brandon Ward.

I pulled out the two-minute exchange about that at the Council’s April 2 meeting if you’d like to watch:

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