District 1,2,3 City Councilor Office Hours Saturday

Councilors Long, Ward, and Steiner will be at the Shillman House and on Zoom 10 am to noon Feb. 24. And, Ward is holding his monthly ‘convo & coffee’ on March 1. Plus: New Council Subcommittee assignments.

Sharon Machlis


February 21, 2024

Image of the 3 councilors along with the time, date, and location of the event

Framingham District 2 City Councilor Brandon Ward is holding joint office hours with District 1 Councilor Christine Long and District 3 Councilor Adam Steiner this Saturday, 10 am to noon, in person at the Shillman House community room (49 Edmands Road) and on Zoom. There will be a discussion about “key issues facing Nobscot and the surrounding area including Q and A with Framingham Police Chief Lester Baker and DPW Director Bob Lewis,” according to Steiner’s Facebook event posting. “We will provide any new information on efforts to rezone our neighborhoods, on the plaza project, and on traffic, speed, and overall quality of life concerns.”

“Also the owner of Nobscot Plaza may have someone from his office in attendance to answer any questions relative to the project,” Councilor Long posted.

In addition, Ward is hosting his regular monthly “Council Convo & Coffee” First Friday of the Month drop-in a week from this Friday, March 1, 8 am at B Sisters Cafe on Route 9.

In other City Council news, several committee assignments have been announced for this year, the City of Framingham posted on its Facebook page:

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