Q&As with Framingham Democratic Town Committee Candidates

Voting in the March 5 Democratic Presidential Primary in Framingham? Read responses from the heads of both Group 1 and Group 2 on why they say you should vote for their slates

Sharon Machlis Gartenberg


February 19, 2024

If you are voting in the March 5 Democratic Presidential Primary in Framingham, there’s also a contested race for who should be official members of the Framingham Democratic Committee.

If you need more background about what this vote is for, check out “What’s with the ‘Town Committee’ on Framingham’s Democratic primary ballot?” And if you’re looking for information about who is running, see the Q&As below.

You can vote for up to 35 people. There are two slates running as groups: Group 1, with 34 members headed by local state Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis; and Group 2, with 24 members headed by Mary Kate Feeney, co-founder of Friends of Framingham Trails and a key organizer of the New Year’s Eve Cochituate Rail Trail event. In addition, former state Sen. David Magnani is running not part of either group.

Want to find out more about the groups? Both Lewis and Feeney responded to the District2Framingham.com questionnaires.

Read Group 1 response by Jack Patrick Lewis.

Read Group 2 response by Mary Kate Feeney.

In addition to those answers, I had asked two other people in each group if they wanted to submit a response. I received one additional answer, from former District 2 City Councilor Cesar Stewart-Morales on Group 1. He is current acting co-chair of the Framingham Democratic Committee.

Read Group 1 response by Cesar G. Stewart-Morales.

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