‘Stop here on red’ signs possible at Danforth and Concord Streets in Saxonville?

Main intersection project not slated until next year - pending funding.
Government & Politics

Sharon Machlis Gartenberg


February 12, 2024

Saxonville intersection improvement work isn’t expected to begin until next year at the earliest, but the dangerous traffic flow when cars try to turn left from Concord onto Danforth Street really needs to be addressed sooner.

Drivers waiting to turn onto Danforth can’t see traffic driving north on Concord because of cars stopped in the left-turn lane. And, drivers heading straight up Concord can’t see vehicles trying to make that left turn onto Danforth.

During a discussion on the District 2 Facebook group this week, I asked if it would be possible perhaps to put up a couple of big signs that say “STOP HERE ON RED” just before Danforth Street on Concord Street. While that’s not as good as moving the traffic lights, it would be better than nothing until the intersection work is done.

“I asked that question and was told yes,” At-Large City Council Janet Leombruno responded. “I plan on following up to hopefully get it done sooner than later.”

If cars stopped before Danforth, that would greatly improve visibility at the Concord/Central/Elm street intersection.

As for the planned Saxonville intersection improvement project, there was a DPW presentation before the City Council late last month. Key points I got from watching the video of that presentation:

You can see DPW background material submitted to the City Council here.

The area involved in the project is below

Image showing the project limits on a satellite map of the area

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