Free Outdoor Summer Concerts are Back at McAuliffe Library


Sharon Machlis


June 27, 2022

Free outdoor summer concerts are back at the McAuliffe Library Framingham branch! From the July 2022 public library newsletter:

This Saturday, July 2, 3 pm: Ezekiel’s Wheels, a Boston-based klezmer band.

Thursday, July 7, 7 pm: jazz vocalist and Berklee College of Music voice teacher Kaoruko Pilkington.

Saturday, July 9, 3 pm: young singer/songwriter Padma Mynampaty. (You can hear some of her recent work on Spotify.)

Thursday, July 21, 7 pm: Local jazz group Who Dat Band.

Not a District 2 event, this is at the main library downtown, but looks fun:

Saturday, July 23, 6 to 9:30 pm: Noche de Fiesta free summer block party, featuring food trucks, music, dancing, crafts, and a beer garden to celebrate library programs and downtown’s Brazilian and Hispanic culture. Lexington Street will be closed to traffic for the party. First 500 people who register will get a free tote bag.

Closer to District 2:

Revamped weekly Thursday Framingham Farmers Market continues, 3 to 7 p.m., Framingham Centre Common

New Sunday Eastleigh Farm Farmers Market + ice cream Moo Bus.

And finally . . .

Friends of Saxonville’s annual meeting is tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 28, 7 pm on Zoom.

Sign up for the District 2 email-list.