Cesar Stewart-Morales will be our new District 2 City Councilor, succeeding Pam Richardson, who did not run for re-election. He defeated outgoing District 2 School Committee member Ricky Finlay 763 - 420 (Updated Nov. 7 with official results).
He won both of the district’s precincts easily, garnering 67% of the vote in Precinct 3 and 62% in Precinct 5.
In his campaign, Stewart-Morales stressed his financial knowledge as being a potential asset to the Council’s budgeting process. He is a Certified Public Accountant and has an MS in Business Administration.
In addition, he said he could reach out to many different constituencies as someone who speaks five languages and grew up on Beaver Terrace Circle. “I understand the diverse needs of the people of Framingham and how the needs vary from neighborhood to neighborhood,” he wrote in his response to the District2Framingham.com election survey.
While Finlay raised more money in the campaign, Stewart-Morales had more total contributors – and his number of District 2 contributors was substantially larger.
He also had Richardson’s endorsement.
Although this is his first time holding elected office in city government, Stewart-Morales was a Town Meeting member and currently serves on the Framingham Human Relations Commission. He also serves on the finance board at Edwards Church in Saxonville.
Stewart-Morales said he will keep his campaign phone number 508-250-0503 active for constituents to reach him by phone or text. He is also active on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. His campaign email address is cesar@cesarforframingham.com, but he should have an official City Council address after being sworn in.
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