Thoughts on the Nobscot Plaza Proposed Development


Sharon Machlis Gartenberg


October 29, 2019

I am unable to attend the Oct. 30 public hearing on the Centercorp Major Site Plan review for the Nobscot plaza development, but sent this written comment to the Framingham Planning Board:

We have a once-in-a-generation chance to re-shape the entire character of a key neighborhood business district and how it fits in with the surrounding community. I’m sure many others will discuss critical points surrounding vehicular traffic. However, I’d like to focus on another, related issue: the possibility to craft a Nobscot streetscape that encourages people to walk and bicycle.

Ideally, this development will draw people on foot (and two wheels) from nearby houses and apartments. It will entice library patrons to stroll to those stores – and vice versa. So, even if people drive and park, they will want to walk around the area.

However, this will only happen if we follow best practices in making walking and cycling not merely theoretically possible, but compelling.

From the Centercorp Retail Properties project application on the Framingham Planning Board website

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